
Washing Baby Clothes: What’s Best for Baby?

There’s probably a lot of washing in your house and you’ll either have a schedule, some kind of system, or like most people – just a full washing basket forcing you to do it when it overflows.

Doing the washing is not one of the most loved jobs in the household and that’s why we offer a laundry collection and delivery service in Reading where we’re based.

But without a good washing strategy, you’ll soon run out of clean underwear and you’ll end up going to meetings or social occasions in smelly or dirty clothes. You don’t want that (and neither do your friends, family and colleagues!).

When a little one arrives in your home, there are so many questions you’ll be asking and so many new things you need to do. There’s a multitude of new skills to learn and aside from all those nappies, you soon become very aware that something so very small creates a whole large heap of washing!

Babies generate a lot of washing!

One of the reasons for this – in fact the main reason – is hygiene. New babies generate a fair amount of fluid from both ends and this leads to messy clothes (for you and for baby). Baby clothes need to be washed after every use and this is why you’ll create so much washing. It’s recommended that your baby grows, sleep suits, socks, vests and all are worn once and then washed. You’ll probably get through a lot of muslins in the early days too.

And washing them becomes a separate (and new) washing cycle in your house.

Washing detergent for babies

The most common difference that you’ll come across is the need for a separate washing detergent for your little one, and with good reason. When a newborn baby enters the world, it’s quite obviously not wearing a stitch of clothing and although clothes are important to keep the baby at a lovely warm temperature, there’s a potential skin issue too.

Many babies can be irritated by or allergic to their new environment and that’s why you’ll find more newborn and baby clothes will be made from natural fabrics to reduce problems. The washing detergent for these clothes (and for the baby) obviously needs to be something slightly different from your normal wash load.

Because of their sensitive skin, babies need a more delicate and caring detergent, and depending on their skin, you may need to experiment too. We’re not doctors or medically trained, but skin has a wonderful way of telling us when something isn’t right so look out for rashes, and consider the washing detergent you use. Here are Mother and Baby’s top five washing detergents.

Washing temperature for baby clothes

Baby clothes go through a tough time. From milky upchucks to food and yes, poonamis, you’re going to be forever washing their clothes and forever wondering how you’ll ever get them to the party with a clean outfit!

When it comes to keeping their clothes safe though, you must consider a new approach to your washing habits. The ‘stains’ you’ll get on your baby clothes need to be removed to avoid any problems for baby. Stains contain bacteria and a baby’s delicate and brand-new immune system needs no added workload from dirty clothes harbouring nasties from yesterday’s spillages.

Washing baby clothes is recommended to be at 65 degrees or over and the natural fibres used to make baby clothes are well equipped to do this. Obviously check the washing label symbols as you would normally, but aim to wash your little ones clothes on the highest temperature possible to ensure all germs and bacteria are killed.

Ironing baby clothes?

Believe it or not, some people do iron their baby’s clothes.If you’re not worn out enough and you’re some kind of super parent, then maybe adding ironing to your list while also organising the local parenting meet-up is OK for you. Most won’t, but should they?

Lots of research suggests that ironing the baby clothes after washing will remove any residual cleaning agent from the clothes, making even those washed in baby-friendly detergents safer.

Ironing acts like a steriliser and helps to apply more heat to any bacteria left or simply steam away the tiny amount of detergent that might still be present.

Don’t worry though, usually the baby-friendly detergent and a good high temperature wash in a good machine is more than enough.

Washing baby clothes separately?

And finally, you’re advised to get baby’s clothes their own laundry run to make sure that your clothes aren’t washed too high and that baby’s are higher. Keeping the whites and colours separate is a good idea too!

Need help?

Let us do the hard work for you. Even if you wash the baby clothes, pass the rest of the laundry to us, including the ironing, and then you’ll have more time to enjoy your little one.

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