
Category Archives: Cleaning tips

11 Cleaning Tips That You Should Avoid Because They Don’t Work!

In the modern world we live in there’s an answer on Google for almost all the problems we come across. Pub quizzes are ruined, conversations cut short, and everyone has access to the same information. So, are we really better off? Plenty of research suggests that ‘screen time’ isn’t harmful, but then plenty of articles…
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The Washing Symbols on Your Clothes Explained: A Simple Guide

Caring for your treasured garments is our aim. Clothes are very important possessions for many people. They can say a lot about you, your personality, and your professionalism. When you look well turned out it demonstrates your attention to detail. Clothes look great when you first buy them, but over time they can begin to…
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We Don’t Do Dry Cleaning (We Have a Better Alternative)

For many years dry cleaning has been the only option for some clothes. When you buy an item of clothing and you see ‘Dry clean only’ on the wash label your heart might sink as you know this now means you can’t clean it at home along with your normal washing. Some clothes are simply…
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How to Get Blood Out of Your Clothes…

Of all the stains in the all the world this is one you really don’t want! Blood is one of the worst stains that we encounter and there’s a very good reason why blood is a tough stain to remove. Blood is a very important part of your body as we’re sure you know. It…
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